We are often out on when you're asleep in the land of dreams in the dark of night, taking care of Rats infestations. The Grey sqirrel population are'nt that happy either.
The position of your feeding station is all important. Place it next to a run or where rats are feeding. pre-bait the station until the rats are feeding freely. Clear all obsticles in your line of site and where you intend to shoot from and away you go.
Farmers and other land owners are only now realising just how effective feeder shooting can be. It offers a quick solution to the problem and allows steady management throughout the year without the need for rodenticides. Which also helps the local Owl population.
BIG RED in operation. You can clearly see runs coming from behind to the station. Five stations are in at this location and all will be empty in a matter of days. Keeping these filled is paramount in keeping the rats coming.
How many of you knew this? They may look cute and fluffy to some, but reality could not be further from the truth. They carry Pox - salmonella - viles - leprosy virus and many more. They raid nests and eat the chicks. Strip trees off the bark which eventualy kills the tree. yet people still feed them and encourage them into their garden. They are the main contributor to the decline of our own Red Squirrel.
The most effective way of dealing with this vermin is simple. A good feeding station secured to a tree. Squirrels will quicky find it. Better with a few so there's more options for them to lay scent trails for others to find. Working alondside traps, this two pronged attack has first class results.
This service is free in our local area, just send an inquiry using the contact form on the home page